Don McGowan was living a fast-paced, active life. As the chief legal officer for the Pokemon Company International, he flew hundreds of thousands of miles each year, never quite recovering from the constant jetlag. Then in 2019, at age 48, he suffered a hemorrhagic stroke.
“My wife heard me hit the floor,” says Don. He had been taking a class on his home exercise bike, and the last thing he can remember is bending over to adjust the resistance. His wife, tech professional Jessica Keele, just happened to be home. She pulled the bike off of him and called 911. Within the hour, Don was in surgery to relieve the pressure on his brain.
Don credits his surgeon, Stephen Monteith, M.D., and his whole care team at the Swedish Neuroscience Institute with saving his life.
After three weeks in our neuro-ICU, he made a full recovery. These days, Don has a new job that involves less travel. And he’s back on his exercise bike, but always with Jessica nearby.